Registration fees

The registration fees have been fixed at 300€. 

They include the lunch meals, the conference dinner and the publications charges of the proceedings and the transport for the Saclay visit.

Reduced fees at 200€ are available for retired persons no more belonging to any institution. Ask the organizers for details.

Fees for accompagning persons are set at 80€ per person; they correspond only to the participation to the gala dinner on the river Seine. 

Fees should be paid preferably by bank transfer (see next paragraph). Payement by credit has also been set (see lower part of this page). Fees can also be paid by an order form send to our laboratory; please contact the organizers. Direct payement in cash at the registration desk of the conference will not be possible.

The fees should be paid preferably by bank transfer at :

  • Name of the bank is: BNP - Paribas
  • Name of the branch in which the account exists : PARIS AG-CENTRALE ENTREPRISES (00818)
  • Address of the branch is : 1 boulevard Haussmann, BP 281 , 75425, Paris Cedex 09, France
  • Name of the account holder is : Commissariat Energie Atomique CEA
  • Address of the account holder is : CEA Saclay DF/SFT, Point courier 69 bât. 482, 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France
  • RIB : 30004 00818 00021216221 27
  • IBAN: FR76 3000 4008 1800 0212 1622 127

Please indicate your name, “UCANS-8” and “IRAMIS” with the bank transfer in order to trace it more easily.


We have set a credit card payment of your registration through Weezevent.

If you choose this payment way please use the form below or follow this link. We are sorry for that, but you will have to give again your name and email and in this form "Registration" means "Registration by Weezevent".

Billetterie Weezevent


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